Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Andreas Achenbach paintings

Andreas Achenbach paintings
Alphonse Maria Mucha paintings
Benjamin Williams Leader paintings
Bartolome Esteban Murillo paintings
``Oh, perfectly. But I should like you, please, to go up without me.''
Dallas paused before him, visibly bewildered. ``But, I say, Dad: do you mean you won't come up at all?''
``I don't know,'' said Archer slowly.
``If you don't she won't understand.''
``Go, my boy; perhaps I shall follow you.''
Dallas gave him a long look through the twilight.
``But what on earth shall I say?''
``My dear fellow, don't you always know what to say?'' his father rejoined with a smile.
``Very well. I shall say you're old-fashioned, and prefer walking up the five flights because you don't like lifts.''
His father smiled again. ``Say I'm old-fashioned: that's enough.''
Dallas looked at him again, and then, with an incredulous gesture, passed out of sight under the vaulted doorway.

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