Sunday, July 13, 2008

Guan zeju paintings

Guan zeju paintings
Gustav Klimt paintings
SCARLETT: How much more do we gotta pay?SERVANT: I heard the tax man say three hundred dollars.SCARLETT: Three hundred... Oh, my, just as well be threemillion. Well, we gotta raise it, that's all.SERVANT: Yes'm. How?SCARLETT: I'll go ask Mr. Ashley.SERVANT: Oh, he ain't got no three hundred dollars. MissScarlett.SCARLETT: Well, I can ask him if I want to, can't I?SERVANT: Asking ain't getting.(The Farm. Ashley is chopping wood.)SCARLETT: Ashely...ASHLEY: They say Abe Lincoln got his start splitting rails.Just think what heights I may climb to once I get the"knack.SCARLETT: Ashely. The Yankees want three hundreddollars more in taxes. What shall we do? Ashley, what's tobecome of us?ASHLEY: What do you think becomes of people whentheir civilization breaks up? Those who have brains andcourage come through all right. Those who haven't arewinnowed out.SCARLETT: For Heaven's sake Ashley Wilkes. Don't standthere talking nonsense at me when it's us who are beingwinnowed out.ASHLEY: You're right, Scarlett. Here I am talkingtummy-rot about civilization, when your Tara's in danger.You come to me for help and I have no help to give you.Oh, Scarlett, I'm a coward.

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