Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thomas Kinkade Symbols of Freedom painting

Thomas Kinkade Symbols of Freedom paintingThomas Kinkade CHRISTMAS AT THE AHWAHNEE paintingCamille Pissarro Still Life with Apples and Pitcher painting
normal fuel supply; a few good Moishian researchers like Chaim Schultz had gone up in smoke, but not many; the slaughter of whole student bodies was a tradition as old as riot itself -- had not Laertides been called "Sacker of Cities"? -- and the mere scale and efficiency of the Moishian extermination did not in his view make the Siegfrieders any more flunkèd than the classical Remusians, for instance, considering the proportionate increase in University population since ancient terms, and the improvement of homicidal technology.
"Despite the Moishiocaust and deaths from all causes on both sides during C.R. Two," he pointed out, "there were more people on campus at the end of the Riot than at the beginning. So?" And blandly he turned up his palms.
But less egregious, and to me more interesting, were his opinions of Harold Bray, Grand-Tutorhood in general, and Graduation -- all which matters, like ethics and politics, he first declared with a smile to be "out of his line" -- suitable enough for small talk, but not worth serious attention.
"I myself am a Graduate, you know," he said.
"That amuses you. Nevertheless, I am. Even your friend Bray agrees -- not that that matters. And I verified it on WESCAC before I was demoted

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